
“This sacrament is called Baptism, after the central rite by which it is carried out: to baptize (Greek baptizein) means to "plunge" or "immerse"; the "plunge" into the water symbolizes the catechumen's burial into Christ's death, from which he rises up by resurrection with him, as "a new creature."“ CCC 1214

Beginning the Process

Congratulations on looking towards Baptism! If you are seeking to have your child or yourself baptized, please contact the priest at 401-766-0626. Via phone call, a form with basic information will be filled out to begin the process.


You will need at least one Godparent that meets these requirements:

  • At least 16 years of age

  • Confirmed

  • If currently married, married according to the laws of the Church

  • An active affiliation with a Catholic Church to complete a Sponsor’s Form

  • Lives and practices the Catholic Faith