Religious Education

From our Coordinator…

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Deb Doris, and I am the new Religious Education Coordinator here at St. Josephs. Along with our new pastor, Father Mark Gadoury, I have been working to create a comprehensive CCD program for our kids. There will be a few changes in store, which

I will explain below. Please read this letter thoroughly. I, along with our catechists, am dedicated to supporting your children as they deepen their knowledge of our faith!

First, please notice if the box below is checked. If you have not registered your child please do so immediately. A registration form is included for your convenience. If your child isn't enrolled in a Catholic school, it's important that they attend CCD in every grade, not just during their sacramental years!

Secondly, beginning next year, Confirmation will be made in the 8th grade. To accommodate this transition, this year students in level 7 and 8 will be in Confirmation I class, and students in levels 9 and 10 will be in Confirmation II class. That means everyone in levels 9 and 10 will be making their confirmation this year.

Classes for all levels will now be on Sundays from 8:50-9:50am. All classes begin SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. The calendar for religious education will be sent out later this summer.

As parents, it is so important to show interest in what your child is learning in religious education classes. Your involvement makes a huge difference! Most importantly, please attend Mass weekly with your family.

There will be a sign in sheet in church for all families to sign in every weekend. The graces you receive from bringing your children to the Lord are so abundant!

If you have any questions regarding CCD classes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am here all summer and would be more than happy to speak to you. I look forward to meeting you all this fall!

Sincerely in Christ,

Deb Doris
Religious Education Coordinator